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The letter K - Spirituality - Sensuality.

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The letter K in numerology

K The eleventh letter of the alphabet, the K has a value of 2 (coming from 11, 1+1=2) in numerology.
It is the only letter that is both intuitive and creative. It is thus classified in the register of the intuition and the presentiments. It is at the service of the truth and its impulses work dynamically.

His form and meaning

Two antennae can be observed, one facing the sky, and the second facing the earth. They are connected to each other at the central level of the vertical axis, which represents the (the key to its functioning). The whole is reminiscent of three funnels, one of which captures the energies of the top (intuitions), the second, the energies of the heart (impulses) and the third, the energies of matter. energies of the matter. The letter K in numerology is associated with spirituality, wisdom and maturity. People with a first or last name beginning with K often come across as having a strong spiritual connection and inner wisdom. They also tend to be mature and have a balanced outlook on life. In terms of career, people with a first or last name containing K may be designated by fields such as spiritual sciences, philosophy, psychology or mental health care. They may also succeed as teachers, therapists or counselors, where they can use their spirituality and wisdom to help others. It is important to note that numerology is a complex subject and that the letter K does not entirely define a person. There are many other factors, such as the numbers associated with a full name and date of birth, that must be taken into account to get a complete picture of a person's personality and tendencies. In summary, the letter K in numerology is associated with spirituality, wisdom and maturity. People who have a first or last name containing K may be trained for careers related to the spiritual sciences, philosophy, psychology or mental health care, and may also succeed as teachers, therapists or counselors, where they can use their spirituality and wisdom to help others. It is important not to look only at this letter to understand a person's personality, but to take into account other numerology factors.

The K in Passage

His passage brings about strong intuitions and will give you the energy to obtain an important social role. It also leaves you with a great power of action, linked to intelligence and the way to transmit it with a certain sense of relativity. Emotional and relational plan complicated, but personal advancement. Its passage begins on your birthday and ends 2 years later. will end 2 years later.


You are a sometimes lonely person, rarely exposing your private life. Your reactions are lively and intelligent. Strong internalization. The truth is important to you and you are Know how to convince with your sense of relativity.


The K is primarily a reflection of active intelligence. Its vibrations entail great power of action and occasionally destruction. They also entail intuitive strength, sometimes (gift of clairvoyance) and inner hypertension. Tendency to domination, manipulation, tyranny by distributing only the one and only truth. It is part of the master numbers, the 11.
His accomplices: The J and the S strengthen his action.
His opponents: The B the I and the R diminish his effects.


Intelligence, intuition, master, manipulation, domination, truth, hypersensitivity, tension, clairvoyance, tyranny, power, solitary, internalization, energy.

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