Star of Venus |
3Autority |
3Submission |
3Extraversion |
1Stability |
2Mobility |
1Family |
1Wisdom |
0Power |
1Spirituality |
It is the appearance of a very rich personality, sensitive and altruistic, in constant search of truths and great spaces.
It corresponds to real capacities of dedication, intellectual availability, intuition and has a holistic global view of things and beings.
It can be described as someone quite humble, quiet and reserved, but with a bubbling and passionate inner world. One of the precursors with broad views, a humanist always ready to put himself at the service of a cause.
His idealistic impulses, his verbal ease, his openness to others gave him an undeniable personal radiance.
To be effective in his work, it is necessary for him to be passionate, to create a myth where he has his place, a decoration where his curiosity can seek to be satisfied. He needs dreams, fantasy and possibilities of opening beyond the established frameworks. He does not like physical and mental limits. He sometimes has a somewhat confused vision of justice and morality. He does not shine by his Cartesian logic, nor by his sense of organization, order and concrete implementation. His action is rather on relational bases or in the fields of the most varied abstractions. A particularly developed capacity of fast assimilation makes him a well of knowledge, a perpetual student doubled by a talented teacher.
Certain artistic gifts are at his disposal to express the deep colors of his world with magical and cosmic folds. His success is often early. He may become a prominent star in theater or film. His loyalty to others and the respect of his interpersonal commitments are part of his qualities.
He can sometimes get carried away a bit in keeping with his aura of a wise barefoot pilgrim... He can however let himself be carried along by those who know how to make the right chord vibrate in him. He uses his sensitivity to identify the requests made to him. His synthetic vision of the functioning of others can help him to highlight in a clear way the problems that the others have to submit to him.
The other side of the 9's coin concerns all the excesses of this emotional and generous nature of his (especially if the 9 is in excess of inclusion). He must therefore avoid making too many plans and undertaking too many things at once. Beware of pride or misplaced boasting at the risk of looking like a mental patient or an enlightened person, an exalted person or an antisocial person.
If his overly sensitive inner world gets out of hand, then he risks being parasitized by strong nervousness, by vibrations of intense anguish and existential doubts.
Professional orientation:
He is at ease in all that concerns the humanities, humanitarian projects, travel abroad.
His preferred areas would be: social and medical careers, personnel management, human relations, and legal defense (attorney). It would also work wonders in teaching, advanced technology and the artistic and cultural sectors, but especially not in the financial, commercial or administrative fields.
He is highly perceptive, ambitious and has a sense of initiative. The need for of autonomy and independence is very marked. It contains a lot of energy. He is powerful and subtle inside.
He is friendly, reserved and sentimental. He does not like to part with old things (shoes, furniture, photos).
He is very active, very energetic. He is very intelligent and seeks independence, he likes change and new experiences in all areas.
He has a family spirit and assumes the responsibilities of servitude. He is rather sensual and has a taste for beautiful things.
He is independent, sometimes isolated. He has a certain power of attraction and likes to analyze things and cultivate himself.
He has the qualities of an inventor and a sense of analysis.
He has a sense of humanitarian values and shows a certain affection. In terms of love, he often suffers emotional losses and break-ups. He is not advised to marry.
He shows a certain inner excitement. He has a charisma that makes him appreciated by the people around him.
He is balanced and stable with a deep sensitivity. He has the ability to guide others, and this often reveals itself to him as a vocation or mission. His life is often accompanied by a certain fame.
He is very intuitive, but shows some resistance to orders given. He is a perfectionist and likes concrete results. He tends to be resistant to new things and seems rather conservative.
He undergoes a strong inner instability and seems to want to rise up to God, and to see him somehow face to face.