Belles-cartes - my numerology

The great numerology of DAVID FINCHER

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Star of Venus

This inclusion chart (also known as the Venus star), allows us to get a global vision of our personality in the blink of an eye. Each area has a story...
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(Expression: 4 - Path of life : 9)
Intimate number: 6
Number of realization : 7

The first letter offers a strong indication :

The D symbolizes uprightness, efficiency, and development.
The A symbolizes intelligence and direction.
The V symbolizes stability, patience.
(master number 22*)

The I symbolizes emotionality, tension.
The D symbolizes uprightness, efficiency, and development.

Meaning of all letters in numerology

Numerological interpretation:

Expression 4

This is the appearance of a courageous, combative, efficient and discreet personality. It corresponds to great working abilities, slow, regular and persevering functioning.
It can be offered tasks of trust. Fidelity, loyalty and seriousness are among its most obvious qualities.
Hardworking, meticulous, inventive and resourceful, he is comfortable solving practical problems. Routine does not scare him and his attention to detail makes him the conscientious leader of the entire team.
Respect for the law, a sense of duty and his rigorous habits make him a thorough and dependable performer. There is none more hardworking than he.
Punctuality, patience and prudence give to his daily life solid bases on which he can build works to all tests. Thoughtful and tenacious, he never slackens his efforts on this long painful way that he will obtain with the sweat of his brow. By being too realistic and privileging precision and practicality in an ordered and strict personal environment, he seems a little dry and lacking in warmth. One would like a little more originality and fantasy. He remains undemonstrative in love, distrustful of others and often lacks confidence in himself. He needs a partner or an understanding environment which encourages him. His difficulty in expressing his feelings leads him to believe that he is misunderstood and to devalue himself in the eyes of others. They may be anxious and paranoid. He can also take refuge in an inflexible and stubborn attitude that can lead to narrow-mindedness that impoverishes the inner terrain or make himself look like a rigid old tree.
He needs a deep relationship with others, he needs to put aside his melancholy side and face relationships with hindsight and hope. He often demands too much proof of love and suffers from pragmatic logic, always looking for explanations and mental proof. Always willing to take on difficult tasks, he needs to value himself through work.
Job orientation:
All work that requires method and rigor. Army, administration, agriculture, after-sales without forgetting the trades of construction and public works (the 4 walls of the house, the 4 cardinal points, the earth.).

How to calculate your expression number?

Domain Submission: 1
Ability to take charge of one's life. Energetic and quick, he instinctively picks up on things that require a quick, individual reflex.
Domain Submission: 2
Either he is extremely intrusive towards his friends or he is shy and does not accept any compromise. Lack of sensitivity to other people's bad situations
Domain Extraversion: 3
The subject is sociable but does not seem to impose himself very openly in front of a large public. He prefers a small world, where he is more of a spectator than an actor
Domain Stability: 4
He is patient and has a very methodical and organized brain structure. He has a strong and lasting foundation in his creativity. Gifted in communication which requires seriousness.
Domain Mobility: 5
He manages to have some mobility, but more cerebral than physical. he has a sense of dialogue and does not engage in overflowing conflict.
Family Domain: 6
Faithful, he assumes his responsibilities at the family level. He likes to use his artistic senses, music, drawing and the arts in general.
Wisdom Domain: 7
Tendency not to believe in abstract or impalpable things. He prefers to remain down to earth and believes only what he sees.
Domain Power: 8
He has a certain sense of honor. He has principles of good behavior. He is impatient and needs to be successful very quickly, otherwise, tendency to anger.
Domain Spirituality: 9
Very high inner self. He loves impalpable things, like music, dreams, magnetism, knowledge. He has a strong imaginative and creative potential.
Bones, teeth and joints are his weak points.

Life path 9

The subject is cultivated through self-giving, he or she is oriented on humanitarian or philanthropic, social or public projects. Many celebrities or political personalities and actors are taken on this path. The subject has a broad view of life and shows great imagination. The artistic world is favored for some. They often travel around the world. They may work in public transportation. He has a universal and dreamy spirit. To succeed, he must have a sense of self-sacrifice and above all not show individualism and not sell his ideas under any circumstances. He will have to protect himself from his dreamy tendencies, from artificial paradises and from his influential side.
Professional possibilities:
Teacher, caregiver, doctor without borders, airline pilot and jobs related to travel.

How to calculate the path of life ?

What the letters say in order:

He is intelligent and has a sense of autonomy. He has great moral strength.

He is intuitive and expressive. He has a desire to learn or want to teach and shows a certain ease.

He has a sense of work, of construction, of solid things that last. He is persevering, with an analytical mind and a relentless logic. He is well organized in his head and highly efficient in development and leadership.

He is active, energetic and likes to move. Able to communicate in all forms.

He has a family spirit and assumes the responsibilities of servitude. He is rather sensual and has a taste for beautiful things.

He is ambitious and seeks power, but often suffers from irregularities.

He is strongly emotional and sensitive with a rather solitary side and prefers celibacy.

He is conciliatory and shows a certain calm. He needs to move. He likes to create in the novelty or the novelties, he innovates and distinguishes himself by his original side.

He has a sense of humanitarian values and shows a certain affection. In terms of love, he often suffers emotional losses and break-ups. He is not advised to marry.

He undergoes a strong inner instability and seems to want to rise up to God, and to see him somehow face to face.

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Numerology is an ancient art that allows you to decipher the hidden power of numbers and their meanings. It offers you the possibility to understand the forces and talents that lie dormant within you, and to identify upcoming opportunities and challenges. Through it, you will be able to discover your life path, your personal year, and orient yourself towards a more fulfilling life with your personal day and your personal month. This numerology website offers you the opportunity to discover your numerological profile using your name and birthdate. By calculating your personal number, you will be able to understand aspects of your personality, your faults and your loves.
We will also give you information on your lucky number and your numeroscope. The art of interpreting numbers is a valuable tool for divination through numbers. The symbolism of master numbers