Star of Venus |
5Autority |
1Submission |
3Extraversion |
1Stability |
4Mobility |
1Family |
1Wisdom |
0Power |
0Spirituality |
It is the appearance of a strong, voluntary and active personality in search of power in all things. It corresponds to great abilities of courage, concentration and inner mastery.
It seems to have talents of organizer and seeks to carry out great companies. He is more oriented towards concrete things, but seeks to cultivate balance at all levels. His opportunities for self-awareness and higher learning are very real. Behind this façade of an achiever focused on financial and material success, a character full of spiritual wisdom emerges. Indeed, his success in business is quite possible: audacious, self-disciplined, he is a fighter, an energetic and hardened executive, but he sometimes goes beyond these materialistic objectives.
On the other hand, he is frank, he says directly what he thinks, even if it turns against him. He likes things to be clear-cut. Compromises with him are difficult.
It is true that his judgments are sure and quick, because he is supported by a logical mental approach, a very lucid attitude and a particularly developed discernment of the facts. The uncompromising operation also has its reverse side, with him, it is all or nothing, no half-measures!
He also happens to pass from one extreme to the other to the great astonishment of those who do not know him enough.
His impetuosity makes him seem tougher than he really is.
He can go from the most overflowing enthusiasm to the most complete disinterest. Radiant in the morning, he can be found closed in the evening.
Love can suddenly give way to hatred, the search for pleasure to self-punitive suffering, the desire for truth to indirect and hidden maneuvering.
Therefore, it is often difficult to identify it or to put a label on it. It is necessary to approach him with caution, especially if one wants to speak directly about him. In general, he is rather distrustful and defensive. He does not like contradiction and one gets the impression that he always wants to have the last word. He sometimes lacks tact and his stubbornness can lead him to become sharp and aggressive, even sarcastic and brutal.
On the emotional level, it will thus be necessary to accept him as he is, even if sometimes he is not particularly pleasant to live with. It is rarely him who makes concessions. He is generally energetic and productive. What matters to him is to impose his ideas and achievements. He is not afraid of work and his stamina allows him to work night and day if necessary on a project he is passionate about.
He likes quick conquests and smoothly run businesses.
Professional orientation:
With these assets, he is likely to thrive in a job where it is necessary to impose himself (where long teeth are recommended).
His recommended sectors will be: industry, finance, sports or marketing. Sometimes jobs where you have to take physical risks. Stuntman, climber, fighter pilot. The 8 being also the number of injuries and operations, the profession of surgeon will be able to be part of the decor (energy, quick decisions, control).
He is highly perceptive, ambitious and has a sense of initiative. The need for of autonomy and independence is very marked. It contains a lot of energy. He is powerful and subtle inside.
He is intuitive and expressive. He has a desire to learn or want to teach and shows a certain ease.
He radiates on his entourage. He reveals in him a very balanced behavior. He often undergoes changes in his lifestyle (moving, traveling), but this does not disturb him because he likes to move. His love stories are happy but not very long-lasting, and often more physical than emotional. This will not prevent him from getting married. He has some financial luck.
He is quick-witted and his convictions are firm and quick. He rarely has communication problems.
He is conciliatory and shows a certain calm. He needs to move. He likes to create in the novelty or the novelties, he innovates and distinguishes himself by his original side.
He is emotional, passionate and sentimental. His inner turmoil seems to make him vulnerable through his provocative or demanding behaviors towards others. He loves money, sex and often gives in to temptation.
He has a strong inner nervousness. He has a spirit that pushes him to always be superior to himself. He has a strong creative power.
He has a very deep spiritual level. He has the ability to guide others, and this often reveals itself to him as a vocation or mission.
He is very intuitive, but shows some resistance to orders given. He is a perfectionist and likes concrete results. He tends to be resistant to new things and seems rather conservative.
He undergoes a strong inner instability and seems to want to rise up to God, and to see him somehow face to face.
He is very intuitive, but often in doubt. He really progresses and evolves. Possibility of clairvoyance or pure vision. On the sentimental level, he has very strong emotional relationships.