Belles-cartes - my numerology

The great numerology of TAYLOR SWIFT

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Star of Venus

This inclusion chart (also known as the Venus star), allows us to get a global vision of our personality in the blink of an eye. Each area has a story...
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(Expression: 6 - Path of life : 7)
Intimate number: 5
Number of realization : 1

The first letter offers a strong indication :

The T symbolizes deep spirituality.
The A symbolizes intelligence and direction.
The Y symbolizes doubt, intuition.
The L symbolizes invention, analysis.
The O symbolizes emotion, sentimentality.
The R symbolizes humanity, emotionality.

Meaning of all letters in numerology

Numerological interpretation:

Expression 6

It is the appearance of a stable personality, radiant and easy-going. It can also have great capacities of understanding, conciliation, benevolence and tolerance. It displays an appearance rich in spontaneous devotion, in potential tenderness and love. Generosity and a sense of responsibility seem to characterize him. His charm and magnetism attract others in a subtle way. One seeks near him well-being and sensuality. He has the concern to please and needs to be passionate to carry out his projects.
Sometimes, his good side, his selflessness and his altruism make him easily exploited. Everything seems simple when you address him, so you come to recharge... and then he feels like he lacks energy, isn't that curious?.
Very attracted to family life, he holds a fundamental place in the home. He likes to build the warm and secure atmosphere that is so lacking in modern life. In his gentle and peaceful vibrations, he often needs to be pushed forward a little. A certain passivity which is not really laziness can settle in his life. If the water is warm and the corner is quiet, he stops there. His search for pleasure and comfort frequently makes him lack rigor and efficiency. That said, he has many talents, to play the intermediaries for example and to obtain that agreements are signed between opposite parts. He also possesses a great sensitivity which can manifest itself in the arts, plastic or gestural research and sectors where the body plays an important role (Relaxations, massages, body care, etc.).
The vibration of the 6 pushes him to sacrifice and to give the maximum of himself for the others. Through his research, he tries to feel the invisible and to grasp what is happening beyond the limited horizon of the usual mental barriers. His reason is a combination of intuition and logic. He has inspiration and inner reflection. He can be trapped by the taste of good things and remains thirsty for beautiful forms.
His spontaneity and his always young spirit give him a small childish side which sometimes makes him smile, but makes him endearing. One could believe him rather naive, but it is only an appearance. Idealist, he lets germinate in his sensitive matter great fragile and magnificent impulses. With him, the body and the heart have their reasons that the reason does not know. He is always available. The world of its feelings is made of big spaces. Love is the central pivot of all his path, it is this register which will allow him to evolve in this cold world of competitions and interpersonal tensions. It is a gift from heaven that will also allow him to go beyond his limits, to transcend his selfish desires and to truly shine.
Professional orientation:
He is at ease in professions related to body care and beauty (aesthetics, hairdressing, massages and mothering in the home), or concerning luxury products (jewelry, ready-to-wear). The professions for home decoration or natural landscaping (interior design, floral design, landscaping) and health-related research.

How to calculate your expression number?

Domain Submission: 1
The subject is autonomous, he can make decisions by himself, especially family decisions. He is frank and sometimes sharp. Tendency to be slightly arrogant.
Domain Submission: 2
He has a sense of fairness, is friendly, affectionate and diplomatic.
Domain Extraversion: 3
He is sociable and rarely alone. He also has a good sense of humor and displays good artistic abilities.
Domain Stability: 4
Difficulty being methodical or organized. He is either too meticulous, nervous and unstable or clumsy and impatient.
Domain Mobility: 5
His life requires him to move around sometimes, he is not against it and likes travel or changes of a family or artistic nature.
Family Domain: 6
He knows how to give proud services around him, he has a strong taste for the family and has the sense of conciliation.
Wisdom Domain: 7
He is interested in mysterious things and does not refuse abstract, impalpable or utopian subjects. He is a dreamer.
Domain Power: 8
Difficulty making ends meet. Misguided or sloppy financial management. He spends too much or is too thrifty.
Domain Spirituality: 9
Attraction to audiovisual, cinema or new technologies. Possible taste for religion
Heart, Throat, voice and sexual organs ( especially female) are his weak points.

Life Path 7

Completions on the planes of family and independence:

His life gives him the appearance of a quiet, cultured and reserved person with a sense of analysis and introspection. He is concerned with acquiring knowledge, wisdom and understanding. He is often solitary, and belongs to the philosophers, researchers and dreamers. He can sometimes be seen as an outsider who has difficulty fitting in with others or staying grounded for long periods of time. He frequently wears glasses and opens books with passion. He is made for study and research. He loves the occult sciences, and does not seem to be very fond of material things. He can occasionally be very lucky financially, as he is not stingy in this area. He needs to protect himself from a certain pessimism and depression that can be caused by his (sometimes constraining) isolation.
Professional opportunities Teacher, scientists, researcher, doctor, astrologer, numerologist, physicist.

How to calculate the path of life ?

What the letters say in order:

He is intelligent and has a sense of autonomy. He has great moral strength.

He has a family spirit and assumes the responsibilities of servitude. He is rather sensual and has a taste for beautiful things.

He is inhabited by the concern to be of service. He is very generous and ready to sacrifice part of his own moral and material interests for others.

He has the qualities of an inventor and a sense of analysis.

He is emotional, passionate and sentimental. His inner turmoil seems to make him vulnerable through his provocative or demanding behaviors towards others. He loves money, sex and often gives in to temptation.

He has a sense of humanitarian values and shows a certain affection. In terms of love, he often suffers emotional losses and break-ups. He is not advised to marry.

He shows a certain inner excitement. He has a charisma that makes him appreciated by the people around him.

He is balanced and stable with a deep sensitivity. He has the ability to guide others, and this often reveals itself to him as a vocation or mission. His life is often accompanied by a certain fame.

He seems to show some instability. He has a taste for change. He is a strong spiritual supporter who is not lacking in self-confidence.

He is very intuitive, but often in doubt. He really progresses and evolves. Possibility of clairvoyance or pure vision. On the sentimental level, he has very strong emotional relationships.

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Numerology is an ancient art that allows you to decipher the hidden power of numbers and their meanings. It offers you the possibility to understand the forces and talents that lie dormant within you, and to identify upcoming opportunities and challenges. Through it, you will be able to discover your life path, your personal year, and orient yourself towards a more fulfilling life with your personal day and your personal month. This numerology website offers you the opportunity to discover your numerological profile using your name and birthdate. By calculating your personal number, you will be able to understand aspects of your personality, your faults and your loves.
We will also give you information on your lucky number and your numeroscope. The art of interpreting numbers is a valuable tool for divination through numbers. The symbolism of master numbers