Belles-cartes - my numerology

The great numerology of MITCH MCCONNELL

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Star of Venus

This inclusion chart (also known as the Venus star), allows us to get a global vision of our personality in the blink of an eye. Each area has a story...
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(Expression: 22 - Path of life : 11)
Intimate number: 11
Number of realization : 7

The first letter offers a strong indication :

The M symbolizes thoroughness, hard work.
The I symbolizes emotionality, tension.
The T symbolizes deep spirituality.
The C symbolizes extraversion, expression.
The H symbolizes ambition, power, and irregularity.

Meaning of all letters in numerology

Numerological interpretation:

Expression 22

As with the expression 11, the vibration of 22 can only be real and usable if one has a strong theme (containing 11, 8 and 1 especially in the inclusion, life path and important cycles).
So it is the appearance of a powerful and exceptional personality. He is made to build great things, to be a great leader, a wise and enlightened ruler.
Very good organizer, he does not hesitate to launch out in particularly ambitious projects, even if it is necessary to spend an important energy for that. He can put it at the disposal of his great creativity, of his high ideals.
Intelligence, openness to human problems and great sensitivity are also his assets in this perpetual race towards success which sometimes polarizes him a little too much, to the detriment of his sentimental and family life. He must take a step back and keep intact this broad vision of things and people which are his. He knows how to turn to others when necessary and must be careful not to use others for selfish purposes.
His constructions, efforts and important work should serve the common good, be useful to the social group, Sometimes even to humanity. If the 22 is particularly strong in the theme (and relayed by 11, 8 and 1) one must be careful not to fall into the excesses that the vibration of the 22 can lead to and lose control of its powerful vehicle. It is therefore necessary to be careful not to play the opportunists and not to satisfy only personal ambitions. It is also necessary to avoid becoming instigator, provocateur, to put the fire at the powder keg by its rages and its powerful destructive or self-destructive impulses.
Professional orientation:
There is no need to go through the unemployment office!
In general, we will find him in political circles, or in business, but also at the head of popular liberation movements or associations for the defense of human rights or fighting for world peace.
It is also possible to see him as a great organizer of shows or sports shows.

How to calculate your expression number?

Domain Submission: 1
The subject lacks confidence. He doesn't really have a sense of autonomy or uses it poorly and relies a bit too much on others for personal success.
Domain Submission: 2
He has a sense of contact and dedication, a sense of relationship and generosity.
Domain Extraversion: 3
Great sense of comedy or drama, likes to express himself as a lead. Possibility of doing dance or a high level sport. He also has a concern for appearance.
Domain Stability: 4
He has a very organized brain structure. He has a strong and lasting foundation in his creativity. He has an eye for detail and is gifted with patience.
Domain Mobility: 5
His need to go outside is felt, but for very short periods, attracted by his 4 walls that surround him, he resumes his reserved side.
Family Domain: 6
May have experienced a difficult childhood in the home environment, loss or estrangement of a parent. Progress is slow, but effective in restoring his confidence in a more sociable life.
Wisdom Domain: 7
Tendency not to believe in abstract or impalpable things. He prefers to stay down to earth and only believes what he sees.
Domain Power: 8
He has a certain sense of honor. He has principles of good behavior. He is impatient and needs to be successful very quickly, otherwise, tendency to anger.
Domain Spirituality: 9
Sense of sharing and compassion. He is clear in his judgments. Sense of humanity.
Bones, teeth and joints are his weak points.

Life Path 11

His life gives him the appearance of a reserved character, with a side tinged with magnetism and intuition. The subject appears friendly with a strong intelligence and an unquestionable sense of altruism. He is very diplomatic and never speaks for nothing. He is a great visionary with inspiration and mastery. He is very sensitive, friendly and persuasive. He creates projects of very high magnitude, but everything tends to collapse like a house of cards and forces him to start all over again. He must protect himself from his ambitions by consolidating them on a foundation of self-confidence to deal with the sometimes dizzying falls.
Professional opportunities:
intermediary, counselor, assistant, broker, salesman, secretary, politician, diplomat, psychologist, and all listening and counseling activities.

How to calculate the path of life ?

What the letters say in order:

He is gifted with a strong extroversion with audacity and likes to show off. He has a sense of leadership. He is fortunate, and seems to be quite happy emotionally. He is generous, sometimes too much so, and tends to spread himself too thin. He may also possess psychic qualities.

He is active, energetic and likes to move. Able to communicate in all forms.

He is ambitious and seeks power, but often suffers from irregularities.

He is inhabited by the concern to be of service. He is very generous and ready to sacrifice part of his own moral and material interests for others.

He is an inventive and analytical person but rarely finishes what he starts. He generally attracts success, and enjoys travel. Long-term romantic relationships

He is very meticulous and careful in his work. He wants to get to the bottom of things, but reveals a tendency towards a certain fatality.

Always even-tempered, he is very accommodating with an apparent false calm. He needs to move and has analytical and innovative skills.

He is emotional, passionate and sentimental. His inner turmoil seems to make him vulnerable through his provocative or demanding behaviors towards others. He loves money, sex and often gives in to temptation.

He has a very deep spiritual level. He has the ability to guide others, and this often reveals itself to him as a vocation or mission.

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Numerology is an ancient art that allows you to decipher the hidden power of numbers and their meanings. It offers you the possibility to understand the forces and talents that lie dormant within you, and to identify upcoming opportunities and challenges. Through it, you will be able to discover your life path, your personal year, and orient yourself towards a more fulfilling life with your personal day and your personal month. This numerology website offers you the opportunity to discover your numerological profile using your name and birthdate. By calculating your personal number, you will be able to understand aspects of your personality, your faults and your loves.
We will also give you information on your lucky number and your numeroscope. The art of interpreting numbers is a valuable tool for divination through numbers. The symbolism of master numbers