Star of Venus |
1Autority |
0Submission |
1Extraversion |
0Stability |
5Mobility |
2Family |
1Wisdom |
1Power |
2Spirituality |
It is the appearance of a strong personality, original, with anti-conventional aspirations and deep convictions. It indicates an intuitive and inventive functioning, often autonomous and solitary.
He is among those who aspire to high knowledge. He is tenacious in these options and ready for ambitious steps. He does not lack creative energy and his physical and moral strength is great.
Determined in his research, he frequently enjoys real inspiration to complement his very keen intelligence. Many expressions 11 have access to mediumnity, to clairvoyance. His magnetism is great, but his constant striving for perfection and the global vision of things can generate strong mental and emotional tensions in him.
He needs to give himself the means to channel his energies and his strong tendency to nervousness. If the 11 is particularly strong in the theme, its vibrations can lead him to great heights and great revelations, but beware of the pitfalls! At this level, it is easy to believe oneself superior to others and to become intolerant and fanatical.
Having difficulty supporting all forms of authority, it can also happen that he becomes too contentious or rebellious. His highest path is not one of rebellion, he can use his gifts to help others in their progression and pass on the teachings, the positive keys they need.
Professional orientation:
For a trailblazer like him, the road is wide. He probably has a mission at the level of everything that touches the human and the development of his spiritual being as well as at the level of the progressive transformation of social and political structures.
Some examples: Sociologist, humanist, numerologist, astrologer, researcher in human science.
He will also have his place in the spheres of politics or in the religious hierarchy.
He radiates on his entourage. He reveals in him a very balanced behavior. He often undergoes changes in his lifestyle (moving, traveling), but this does not disturb him because he likes to move. His love stories are happy but not very long-lasting, and often more physical than emotional. This will not prevent him from getting married. He has some financial luck.
He has a family spirit and assumes the responsibilities of servitude. He is rather sensual and has a taste for beautiful things.
He is inhabited by the concern to be of service. He is very generous and ready to sacrifice part of his own moral and material interests for others.
He is quick-witted and his convictions are firm and quick. He rarely has communication problems.
He has the qualities of an inventor and a sense of analysis.
Always even-tempered, he is very accommodating with an apparent false calm. He needs to move and has analytical and innovative skills.
He is emotional, passionate and sentimental. His inner turmoil seems to make him vulnerable through his provocative or demanding behaviors towards others. He loves money, sex and often gives in to temptation.
He lets a certain discretion appear. Often proud, his ambitions are never fulfilled.
He has a sense of humanitarian values and shows a certain affection. In terms of love, he often suffers emotional losses and break-ups. He is not advised to marry.